

Charge Ahead: Empowering Employees with Convenient EV Charging Access

Elevate employee workplace benefits while creating new avenues for revenue growth while saving money on electricity with solar!

Benefits of Adding EV Charging and/or Solar to the Workplace
Attract Talent
Appeals to eco-conscious employees.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Supports lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Allows easy charging during work hours, alleviating range anxiety.
Cost Savings
Employees save on fuel, and companies may have lower operational costs.
Additional Revenue Streams
Setting the rate to cover cost in addition to energy consumption can create an additional income stream, helping to offset maintenance costs while solar will lower electricty costs.
Prepares the company for the growing demand for EVs.
Turnkey Solutions for Workplaces
Government Rebates
WWe specialize in obtaining government rebates and processing all the paperwork on the property's behalf.
Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC)
We design, permit, construct and commission EV infrastructure. with our in-house experts.
Operations & Maintenance
We monitor, maintain, troubleshoot and repair all of our installations with our in-house O&M experts.
No Upfront Cost
Our process minimizes capital expenses, in many cases allowing for no out-of-pocket costs whatsoever.

Estimate Savings

How many EV stations do you need?
0 lbs
Annual CO2 Impact
Property Value Add
Annual Charging Revenue
Potential Rebate Savings
All the above numbers are estimates. Actual benefits realized by EV installations will vary depending on station type, utility charges, and other factors.